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Mathematics at Boxford Primary


Our Intent

At Boxford Primary School we aim to cultivate a love, enjoyment and enthusiasm for mathematics; learners should be given many opportunities to apply their mathematical thinking. When pupils leave in KS2, we aspire that all individuals feel confident in mathematics which will allow them to approach problems with confidence.

To ensure these aims are met, pupils should:

  1. become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice. Learning should be sequenced effectively with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. Prior knowledge will lay the foundations for future learning.
  2. reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language which will enhance oracy skills for all learners.
  3. can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

Our ambition is to enlighten learners about the application of mathematics in the real world. Pupils should pose the question, ‘How will I apply this in my real-life context?’ Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas.

In addition to the above aims we also aim to:

  • Develop an atmosphere in which children feel confident to question
  • Develop independence of thought
  • Pursue investigational lines of enquiry
  • Increase the awareness and use of appropriate mathematical vocabulary
  • Equip children with specific mathematical skills, relevant to everyday living
  • Develop logical thinking
  • Develop perseverance and resilience which promotes our school’s values at Boxford.
  • Challenge children’s mathematical ability by providing contextualised problems.


Our ultimate aim is to develop positive attitudes towards maths. In addition, the relevant skills and concepts mathematics, and also Mathematical knowledge, should be taught referencing the relevant features of the National Curriculum.



At Boxford Primary, we use the White Rose Maths programme as the ‘spine’ to our maths lessons. A range of other resources are used to support and supplement the teaching of Mathematics using this scheme.

Lessons are sequenced and structured to meet the needs of the individual learners – we appreciate that no two classes are ever the same. This bespoke approach to the teaching of mathematics allows staff to target specific areas of mathematics. Maths is taught daily for an hour which promotes metacognition and illustrates the teaching approach ‘I do. We do. You do.’ Lessons also promote the acquisition of new language and many talk opportunities provided are ‘low stakes’ challenges, building children’s confidence.

Within lessons, a range of approaches are used to teach. The use of manipulatives enables children to follow the concrete-pictorial-abstract approach which we use in school. By using this method of teaching, children are able to rely on a range of strategies when approaching reasoning and contextualised problems.

To ensure that all learners are supported effectively, robust assessment opportunities taken from both formative and summative assessment points. PiXL data feeds directly into the day-to-day teaching which ensures progress. Maths drills are a regular feature of lessons to hone in on specific areas of developments for a cohort or group of pupils. Regular assessments across the year demonstrate pupil progress and these feed into teacher’s planning for their individual class.

Interventions are applied accordingly. Support with interventions and reactive groups are successful in allowing all pupils to feel confident in mathematics and achieve which allows us to create pupils who have an enjoyment towards maths.

At Boxford, we have a core set of principles and beliefs for achieving mastery in mathematics. This includes a belief that all pupils are capable of understanding and doing mathematics. Pupils are neither ‘born with the maths gene’ or ‘just no good at maths.’ With good teaching, appropriate resources, effort and a ‘can do’ attitude, promoting our school value, all children can achieve and enjoy mathematics. With appropriate teaching and resources, pupils can flexibly and creatively apply their existing mathematical knowledge in new and unfamiliar situations. Children are given opportunities to develop fluency and to apply their knowledge in mathematics and then move on further to prove they have mastered the concept.

In Early Years and where appropriate in Year 1 the principles of the EYFS Framework will be followed, and there will be the opportunity to ‘Explore Maths’ and develop their understanding of mathematical concepts through play.

We firmly believe that all children should achieve. Pupils with SEND are supported in class appropriately with relevant adaptions to teaching and the resources which are provided. These are always matched to the needs of the individual learner.

The Impact

By the end of Year 6, Boxford pupils should have become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. They should reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations. They should solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication.

Pupils will also demonstrate they have mastered a mathematical concept or skill when they can show it in multiple ways. Day-to-day, mathematical language is used to explain children’s ideas, and they can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. Quick recall of facts and procedures will also be evident; this includes the recollection of the times tables. Connections will be made across the broader maths curriculum and illustrate how children’s understanding is embedded.

Regular monitoring of the subject is made across the year. The aims and objectives of the Action Plan are reviewed with staff and relevant changes are made.

Pupil perceptions also demonstrate the effectiveness of the Maths Drill:

IW, ‘It’s a great way to start the maths lesson and get our brains warmed-up’

OR, ‘Everything is broken into steps which is easy to understand. I can then have a go on my own and I love the challenges’

AL, ‘I like Maths Drill because I can use written methods we have learnt in class to help me’

TW, ‘If I become stuck with my Maths Drill, I can discuss it with my partner and find a solution’

The impact of the approaches in Boxford Primary can be seen with recent KS2 outcomes. Pupils were above National for both Expected and Greater Depth. This validates the approaches which beginning to be applied in 2022-2023 supports the plan, do and review process.

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